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Digital Salon Forms with PDF Annotation Apps

There are many PDF annotation apps in the world now, and it pays for you to have a look at a few of them if you are looking towards having your clients fill out an electronic form while in the salon. With the best intentions, we can send a form for our clients to fill out, but most will come without the forms completed.

Having digital forms for clients is a growing trend as we move forward in the 2020’s. Combine an iPad, a stylus and a digital form to give your clients a great experience with modern techniques.

PDF Annotation Apps allow us to have clients fill in a pre made for,. while using a tablet that is stylus compatible as a pen tool.

There are many different apps, some of which I’ll mention below. I’ve picked out Goodnotes for Apple gadgets for ease of use, as it is the one I use most often, however it is £7 for the full version and is very simple and easy for clients to navigate.

These apps work by taking a document you already have developed in a PDF form, and allowing you to write the screen as if you were taking notes in a lecture, writing on the paper. By doing this, a client can compete a PDF form on a tablet, by using the stylus as a pen, and hand it back to you for you to make your own comments, sign the form and save. The best apps save as you go, so that mistakes are easily fixed, but the form isn’t easily deleted.


PDF Annotation Apps. I’m mentioning Goodnotes as it is currently my app of choice for PDF Annotation and in-person form completion, but there are many others.

An app that works wonderfully for forms to be able to keep electronic forms, and allow you to avoid keeping lots of paperwork on hand.  Goodnotes works on Mac, iPad and iPhone.. Best use of electronic forms in this way, are by using an iPad with a compatible stylus.

For best use with forms, downloaded your form on an iPad interface, where your Client can complete their consultation form on that iPad, by using a stylus, to fill in all the details.

To make it easier, you can choose to:

  • Use a brush stroke similar to using a ball point pen.
  • Change the text colour for what your client enters, and for what you also enter on the form.
  • The form auto saves when your Client enters information, reducing the risk of disappearing content while it is being filled in.
  • You can choose to also use a highlighter option to mark medical conditions, or simply use the pen tool to circle chosen words.
  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • Once your client has signed the form, you can sign the form in a different colour, and save the completed file in any location that is legal in your country.  GDPR regulations apply in the UK.

Other PDF Annotation Apps

You may already have a PDF Annotation App on your gadget, and it’s worth trying a document to give it a go. Here are some others that are frequently mentioned online, as they may be worth researching.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Google Keep (may be too simple for form filling)
  • Microsoft One Note
  • Noteshelf
  • Notability

Digital Form PDF – Canva Templates (Easy Edit)

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Five Reasons to Send Thank You Cards to Clients!

It’s so easy, especially if we’re buying from people we know, to forget to remind them who we are. If we have a new client, are they loyal to us, or to the cheapest deal on offer. When we think about how we get new customers, it’s usually a repeat of seeing our name or having someone mention us. On average, it takes a person to have seen our businesses about seven times before they commit to pushing the buy button, or making an appointment.

Even more so if we sell online or through Etsy. Etsy keeps buyers addresses and details from sellers, so you can’t really sign them up for future purchases or easily contact them, unless through Etsy itself. Even if you send an invoice with a physical product, it’s going to be hit and miss whether they ever think of you in the future, so we do need to take stock and use what tools we have close to hand.

If you choose to buy editable templates, then you can easily change the wording for any purpose, and just simply print some more off.

So, quickly and easily, this is why you should bother to send thank you cards to your clients.

Why Should I Send Thank You Cards to my Clients? 

  1. To show them you care about them. What better way to say thank you, than saying thank you. Even better if you send a week something off code for their next purchase with you. Letting customers know you appreciate their purchase is a strong marketing tool for the future.
  2. You remind them of who you are. Half of our customers have forgotten us as soon as they’ve made a purchase or bought into a website where we have our online shop based. If they bought on a marketplace such as Etsy, EBay or Amazon, they might not even realise you are a business operating on a platform. That little thank you card can be the tool you need to take your business further. You can direct them to your own website, and give them an opportunity to get to know you and your business more.
  3. The “trust factor.” What better way to show trust, than to show your clients you care. If someone has bought into the idea that small or local businesses need support, and they make the effort to purchase from us, a simple thank you note can help them feel they are making the right decisions, and will carry on with those buying patterns.
  4. It reminds them you haven’t forgotten them. If you send a birthday, anniversary or purchase birthday treat via a thank you, it reminds clients that you are a small business who cares, about them.
  5. Gives you an opportunity to share important information with your clients, such as aftersales support, or treatment aftercare, to ensure you are helping them get the best out of their purchase choices and helping them to remain safe.
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Henna Brows Aftercare

Henna Brows are blazingly amazing and a fraction of the cost of SPMU and other types of more permanent eyebrow care. For sure they also have their place in the world, but for someone who is looking for longer terms sticking power to the look of their brows, henna brows fits the bill.

With henna brows, the effect is instant, in your face stunning eyebrows. Aftercare for henna brows is very similar to that of lash lift and lash extensions.

How To Look After Your New Henna Brows at Home

  1. Henna will last up to a week on your skin, and around 4-6 weeks on your brow hair. Use appropriate and recommended products on your skin close to your brows. Avoid oily based products.
  2. Stay away from water and hot steamy environments for the first 24 hours. If you don’t, your henna may appear to dissolve before your eyes and disappear into the great wide beyond.
  3. Avoid make-up if possible in the first 24 hours and avoid UV light.
  4. Henna will last up to a week on your skin, and around 4-6 weeks on your brow hair. Only use appropriate and recommended products on your brows.
  5. Try not to use strong exfoliants, AHA’s or retinol products on your brow area, as they will remove the stain too quickly.
  6. Avoid touching, picking or scratching your brows.
  7. If you stain is too dark, get in touch with us instead of trying to rub the stain off.
  8. Please don’t wear a sleep mask or sleep on your face. Try to sleep on your side or back, to avoid your henna stain rubbing off too quickly.
  9. Please leave 3 weeks between appointments.
  10. Please contact us if you have any adverse reactions.

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Ear Seeding – Acupressure by Auricular Therapy

It’s all over social media at the moment. As well as being a lovely and relaxing treatment to receive, it’s also gaining in popularity due to viral videos and people raving about it. Although it’s often thought of as a modern acupressure treatment, it’s actually been performed for thousands of years, and is as old as indian head massage. Ear seeding is said to be a form of traditional Chinese medicine that can help with reducing chronic pain, reduce stress, and other benefits.

Pain relief for headaches seems to be the main benefit outlined on social media channels, however aiding restful sleep, focus and other benefits are on the holistic side of wellness, and follow the same pattern for aiding the whole well-being and relaxation processes.

Ear seeding works on the same principle as auricular therapy, however seeding does not involve needles, and works on the pressure points on the external part of the ear.

What is Ear Seeding

There are many different ways of carrying out seeding. Some people use actual seeds, small beads and often make their own with sterile tape and seeds or beads. Most therapists will buy single use rolls or strips of material with the beads or seeds already attached. They will then tape these to the acupressure points on the external portion of the ear.

As with other therapies and treatments, you certainly can buy the products online, however, using a trained ear seeding therapist with acupressure training, will ensure the treatment is used correctly for what you are looking to achieve.

Ear seeding works around the belief of the body as a map of systems, in the same way as reflexology, however instead of focusing on the feet, ear seeding is carried out on the small external ear follows an established map for different organs which correspond to the different pressure points on the ear. The body systems mapped, are reproductive, digestive, respiratory, nervous and more.

Ear Seeding Process

The stickers with seeds or beads are placed along the points on the ear that correspond to the mapped part of the body which is being worked on. The therapist will then massage the little seeds into the pressure points, to help with the area of the body or nervous system being worked on.

This is a non invasive treatment, which can benefit the whole body.

What Ear Seeding Does

Similar to Reflexology, Ear Seeding allows the body to promote its own healing effects. With the combined effect of relaxation, massage of the ear, lymphatic drainage and trust, ear seeding can help increase the brain endorphins, which are known to help with pain and stress.

Carrying out ear seeding at home, without a trained professional, can lead to small cuts, bruises or damage to the ear, however those are not the full picture. At home packs tend to have simply maps, which may not actually work for what you are looking to achieve.

Who Can’t Have Ear Seeding?

Ear seeding is generally said to be safe for everyone over 18, or who feels they can benefit from acupressure techniques. Even at home, this treatment is not suitable for young children, as they tend to wriggle, and seeds/beads might become dislodged and fall into the ear canal.

Risks of Ear Seeding

  • Allergy to the adhesive used on the ear seeding patches.
  • Allergy to the seeds/beads used.
  • May be unsuitable for those with a latex allergy.

If redness or pain is experienced during treatment, stop and assess for an allergic reaction.

What to Expect in a Treatment

  • Your consultation will determine the treatment you will have, and the types of seeds/beads used.
  • Your ears will be cleansed and dried.
  • Using the correct pressure points on the ear, your therapist will apply the he ear, your therapist will apply the seeds to your ears.
  • Your ear will be massaged and you will receive appropriate aftercare.
  • Some therapists will ask you to keep the seeds on your ears for a few days, and give you apporpirate aftercare for their use and removal.

How you may Feel After a Treatment

  • Happy or sad – an emotional reaction.
  • Calm and in control.
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10 Top LIP FILLER Aftercare Tips

Times are a changing, so they say. The lifetime of plump kissable lips has extended beyond belief with the advent of lip fillers. Lip fillers are usually performed by using dermal fillers, of which the most commonly used, is hyaluronic acid.

Before & After Lip Fillers

If you are having lip fillers for a night out, wedding or anything that is important to you, please arrange them well in advance, so that healing has taken place before your event.

In the hands of some more expert practitioners, botox can be used for different effects, but today, we are look at the more traditional fillers.

Lip Fillers are classed as minimally invasive, or in other words, it is low risk, and can be carried out easily without a general anaesthetic, and only take a few minutes to be performed.

Lip Fillers are not permanent. To maintain the fullness of lip fillers and the boost they provide, clients will be required to have continuing ongoing injections at regular intervals.

Immediately after the procedure, there may be some localised swelling or tenderness, and even a little bruising. These effects should be mild.

Lip Filler Aftercare Tips

  1. If there is bruising at the site of injection, your therapist is likely to apply a soothing aftercare cream and provide you with their suggested aftercare products.
  2. Ice the area after your treatment by using an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to avoid the ice sticking to your skin. Icing will help reduce any pain, swelling or bruising that may happen. It is also common for there to be a little itching.
  3. Drink plenty water for health benefits of recovery, and skin tissue reparation.
  4. Avoid alcohol for at least the first 24 hours, as alcohol thins the blood and may increase bruising and swelling.
  5. Eat healthily and try to avoid excess salt, which can add to itchiness and may increase swelling at the injection site.
  6. Avoid make-up for the first 24-48 hours after treatment and avoid touching your lips with your fingers for the first 24-48 hours.
  7. If possible, sleep on your back, to avoid pressure on your lips.
  8. Over the counter painkillers may help with localised pain relief.
  9. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours.
  10. Avoid steamy environments for 48 hours, such as hot showers, steam rooms, swimming pools, hot tubs and saunas.

When Will My Lip Fillers Be Healed

There will be an immediate change in appearance when your lips have been filled. When the swelling goes down, your lips will feel more natural.

Healing time for the final look may take up to 4 weeks, before your lips reach their final look. Lip Fillers generally require repeated every 6 months for optimum effect.

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10 Reasons Why Giving Aftercare Advice in Writing is Important

When we spend time and money investing in our training, it makes no sense to avoid giving clients the proper aftercare, and ensuring they have received it in good time for it to be beneficial for their use.

While carrying out treatments, giving aftercare advice should simply be part of your daily routine, a mindset that you wake up with every morning.

There are definitely some reasons for the correct distribution and handing out to your clients, but here are the top ten reasons for giving aftercare advice

1 – Professionalism

Any good aesthetician or therapist, KNOWS aftercare advice is essential for the health of their clients. Without it, your client will not get the best from their treatment, and may even suffer from some of the many contra actions that can occur. A contra-action is where something might go wrong. Your client needs to know what to do if there is a problem.

2 – Safety

If something goes wrong after a treatment, does your Client know what to do, or have you decided that simply because you told them, they will remember it? Clients tend to be in relaxation mode for beauty therapy treatments, or worried mode if it is an aesthetic treatment such as Botox or Fillers, and not really concentrating on what might go wrong, or what to do if the worst happens.

3 – Insurance Cover

Yes, it’s important. Incredibly important. The UK is not an incredibly litigious society as yet, but it may well come, and every year, there are cases taken to court over damage to a client, saying a hair or beauty treatment was at fault.

While we cannot head all potential claims off at the pass, having your client receive aftercare advice in writing, can go a long way in preparing a defence. What if you find yourself being in a situation where the onus is on you to prove there was no harm, rather than on the ex client to prove that you did harm?

Claims can be brought years after a treatment, and being able to prove you gave the correct advice can be beneficial, especially as you may have long forgotten who the Client actually was, or what they looked like. At the start, we tend to think we will remember everyone, but the reality is, we remember our regulars, and people who visit once, we may remember some, but many will slip from memory.

4 – Peace of Mind

This heads us straight back to professionalism. As industry professionals, we want to know we have done the best for our clients, after all, returning clients are our bread and butter. Without them, we wouldn’t be paying the bills every month. And this is where it becomes helpful to distinguish our own practices from those who don’t care about their clients, and just want the money coming in.

5 – Correct Procedure

As part of your training, you will have come across contra-indications and contra-actions.

Contra-indications are where a client is not suitable to receive a treatment. For example, a client who is allergic to PPD, cannot have most treatments which involve hair dye, from hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and therapists.

A Contra-action is something that may occur as part of a treatment, for example, a client who is having a Microdermabrasion treatment, may find they have mild erythema (redness) after the treatment for up to 24 hours.

With the correct aftercare advice, the client will know which contra-actions are normal, as part of the treatment, and allow them to know if something more serious happens, such as difficulty breathing, that it is time to seek medical assistance.

7 – Sales Opportunity

Giving written aftercare is also an opportunity. As part of that process, giving your Client the correct information for after their treatment, there is the option to use that document for other purposes.

For example:

  • State how long between appointments, and offer to rebook the next appointment.
  • Explain complimentary services to enhance current services.
  • Write about aftercare sales products that will help Clients to maintain the results achieved.
  • Show offers and discounts.
  • Write your web address, email and social media account details.

8 – Appointment Card

Your aftercare advice sheet can act as a reminder appointment card for their next appointment. If you add advice for before their appointment, it can act as an all encompassing document for your business and to give your client as a reminder of what else you do.

9 – Options

There are many different ways to hand out Aftercare. but for your own records, having your Client sign to accept it is a practice which is recommended going forward, as a way to prove your Client has received the correct advice. You can choose to do this several ways, such as:

  • If you use a booking system, there may be a checkbox option for Clients to confirm they have read and accepted your terms and conditions / booking requirements and aftercare advice.
  • E-Mail prior to attending an appointment, and receiving confirmation back that your client has received the E-Mail.
  • At the appointment, as a document, and signed for on the consultation form.

10 – Follow Up

Aftercare advice gives you the opportunity to inform your Client that you will follow up their appointment, to help them achieve the best possible outcome after receiving your service. This can lead to recommendations, reviews and opportunities to improve your own services and delivery as a result of evaluation opportunities.