What Am I Getting With A Canva Template?

This is a digital product.  You will not receive any physical items.   Any images used as decoration, such as physical frames and ornaments, are not included in the sale.

How to Buy A Canva Template.

1 – Purchase your chosen Canva Template.
2 – After purchase, you will receive an email with instructions of how to download your PDF file.  When you download your image, which will also be available in your online download section, you will then click on the link enclosed. The link will take you directly to the Canva Template.
4 – Sign up for a free Canva account if you do not already have one, and add the template to your account. Canva takes very little time to learn and is a perfect accompaniment to any business which looks to have an online presence, as well as being able to change and print their own design templates.

Are These Templates Insurance Accredited?

While many of the templates have content which is relevant to the treatment / service being carried out, different insurance companies have different rules over the wording that will apply to your insurance cover. While we make effort to be as relevant as possible, it is your responsibility to ensure the final wording on the documents you use, are relevant and would be appropriate for your situation. You may be required to change elements, wording/text, colours and full content to match the professional training you have received, and what is expected by your insurance company, to work on members of the public. We are providing you with a tool that can be used to assist you in your business, however you are fully responsible for maintaining the correct content required for your own business.

Always refer to your training and insurance requirements when making up your business treatment paperwork, to ensure you have included all the wording/content relevant for your treatment / service.

About Your Canva Template.

Templates are mainly made using free Canva elements. This means you do not need to purchase any additional elements to use the Template.

Some templates come with Pro Elements, however these templates are clearly marked as Pro Version Templates. If you change/use any elements in Canva which are part of pro accounts, and will be labelled as such, you will be required to either buy that image for the product, or buy a subscription to use a Professional account on Canva.

Terms of Use And Refunds.

Sales of digital products are non-refundable. Once you have purchased a product from us, you already have access to the template, which is non-returnable.

This template is for your own use only, to print and use for your own home or business, however you cannot resell, give away or use the design in any other way.   If in doubt, please ask.

You will have 30 days to download your template, after which time, the link will expire.

Salon templates is in no way responsible for any potential legal, financial or moral conditions or otherwise from the use of template consultation forms. You agree to hold Salon templates or anyone employed or affiliated with Salon templates, not liable in any circumstances.

This template and Salon templates are not affiliated with, nor linked to Canva in any way.  Templates are created on Canva for your own use only. Please do not share them with others.

This is a template for you to create your own final version of a form, and any content within, is for example only. You must change the content to match your insurance/business requirements.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all the information required by your insurer is included in your finished version of the form, and the one used with your clients.  Laws and requirements change from country to country, and from area to area within countries.

What Can be Changed on a Canva Template?

With your Canva Template, you can create a beautiful and professional design to use for your business, by editing it in a free Canva account.

You will be able to change:
– Wording.
– Images.
– Content.
– Colours.
– Layout.
– Font Type, Colour and Size.
– Font Effects, such as Shadowing, Echoing, Neon and Hollow.
– Design Elements.
– Templates can be used on your PC, Laptop, Mobile or Tablet. Canva has a mobile app.

I’ve Lost My Canva Template. Can You Send It Again?

As part of the terms and conditions of purchasing, you will have 30 days to download the template link from your account. After purchasing the template, and downloading your PDF, if it advisable to save that file to somewhere safe on your computer, or cloud drive. The PDF will give you access to your template, and we’d advise you to add the template to your own Canva account within 30 days.

Please also ensure you keep a copy of the original template on your account and make a copy to change with your new ideas. If you do this, you will always have access to the original template.

We are not responsible for downloads you have lost, or failed to download, or for any templates you have overwritten or deleted by mistake.

If you have problems accessing your template within the original 30 days of purchase, I will happily assist you to access your purchased template/s.

Can I Resell A Template?

Sorry, no. As terms and conditions of use for these templates, they are not to be resold or given away for other salons/therapists/hairdressers to use. They are sold specifically for the use of the person buying them, to modify and use for their own business / personal use, however this specifically does not include reselling.

As the templates listed on this website were developed over many hours of work, the designs are my own work, so please do not give them away to anyone else.

Can I Give Copies To My Clients?

You cannot give your clients access to the Template, however, you can use the Template for your business and then give out an electronic copy for their use.

For example:

Aftercare Leaflets
When you have made changes to your templates and added your own logo, name and content, you can then use that leaflet in your business. This means you can send the amended document as a file via e-mail, social media or other means. You can also upload these to your own website and hand them out as printed documents for clients to follow the instructions within.

I Found A Mistake In The Template?

As with anything, small businesses take an extraordinary amount of time to manage. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am not immune to spelling mistakes, missing the odd grammatical point, or even misspelling where my keyboard misses the US spelling.

These templates are designed for you to amend the content and wording to ensure it is compliant for your own business. You are not buying the textual content within the Templates. What you are buying, is a template for you to use as a basis to develop your own graphics / paperwork / documents, in line with your own training and development.

It is always your responsibility as a therapist / hairdresser / barber / businessperson, to ensure you are using the correct information, and meeting the requirements of your own insurance company for the end result of any use you make of Templates purchased for your business.

In that respect, it is your responsibility to ensure you are happy with the content before using your final document. We have no responsibility for any end use of any document/image/file content developed from any of our Templates.

Are There Any Hidden Costs?

The price for the template, is the end user price for Templates developed using Free Canva elements and fonts. There are no additional charges within the initial 30 days of downloading your template.

If you should choose to use a Template with professional content, or wish to use Professional Content on Canva, then you would be required to purchase a Professional Account with Canva or buy the items to use them.